The Cartoon of the Prophet was Daring and Bold...
If the Islamic world continues to wonder why the West perceives it as backward, they only have to look at this extreme overreaction to the tasteless series of cartoons published in Denmark. While depictions of Christian icons can be just as tasteless, it doesn't result in rioting typically.
The fanatics in the Muslim world need to realize that nothing is free from ridicule and if they do not like the depiction of their prophet engaging in terrorist acts, they should try to distance themselves from the extremists of their religion, like many moderate Christians try to do.
I imagine I'll probably get angry comments to this post, and it is your right to express your opinion and I welcome it unless you're advertising your website. Your religion is as much a target for parody as anything else, and if nothing else, at least you were important enough to be satirized. I didn't go burning down Comedy Central's Headquarters when they aired Jesus and the Really Super Friends or "All About Mormons." The Muslim world needs to grow up and listen to their clerics who condemned the violence. It's just a cartoon done in poor taste, after all.
The fanatics in the Muslim world need to realize that nothing is free from ridicule and if they do not like the depiction of their prophet engaging in terrorist acts, they should try to distance themselves from the extremists of their religion, like many moderate Christians try to do.
I imagine I'll probably get angry comments to this post, and it is your right to express your opinion and I welcome it unless you're advertising your website. Your religion is as much a target for parody as anything else, and if nothing else, at least you were important enough to be satirized. I didn't go burning down Comedy Central's Headquarters when they aired Jesus and the Really Super Friends or "All About Mormons." The Muslim world needs to grow up and listen to their clerics who condemned the violence. It's just a cartoon done in poor taste, after all.
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