Political Hack

A discussion of political issues from a somewhat conservative outlook

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cheney's being too secretive

I'll admit I'm not a very big fan of former president, Bill Clinton. I'm not one of those he's the worst presidents we've ever had sort of people, because a knowledge of history reveals him to be a relatively mediocre scandal-ridden president, but I do think the country would have done better in the Nineties without his leadership.

However, I'm not worried about his leadership today. It's more how he chose to open his mouth and accuse Dick Cheney, the current vice president of being too secretive. Now, we all know Cheney shot a friend in the face and didn't report it to the media a day afterwards, but earth-shattering news this is not. Unlike Bill Clinton's own problems it will not embroil him in months of scandal ending with an impeachment that does not lead to conviction only because the vote went along party lines and had nothing to do with the nature of the evidence presented. Clinton, on the other hand, tried to hide and deny his own illicit involvement with an intern and even got so creative as to say "it depends on what the definition of is is."

Bill Clinton is the last person who should be lecturing Cheney on not keeping something a secret period.


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