Political Hack

A discussion of political issues from a somewhat conservative outlook

Saturday, October 28, 2006

   As we approach election time, it's not unusual that any registered voter would get mail from their appointed party.  It is not suprising that the letters are tailored to what the core of the party belives rather than what the individual user might believe.  

    As November 7th approaches, I find it a rare day when I do not receive some mail from the local Republican party (perhaps I should register Libertarian instead to avoid this, but it's not like the Libertarians have any chance of winning a national election, although I think they may gain some seats in the house at some distant point in my lifetime.)

    While I generally agree with the Republican's stance on immigration and would like to see the flow of illegals stopped, as much as I'm sure the Romans would have liked to see the flow of Barbarians across the Rhine cease in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D., it seems that the mailers are mischaracterizing the position of many democrats.

      While I expect my readers to correct me if I'm wrong, I do not know many democrats who are in favor of partial birth abortions, and while Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi might, they are extremes and do not represent the views of many democrats.

      The second was an issue that they cannot be expected to know I have no strong feelings on.    I am not opposed to gay marriage, but I do not campaign for it either.  Most Republicans who are opposed do so on religious grounds, and I'm willing to be even the bulk of them favor the idea of civil unions.

     So, if there are any democrats out there, I welcome your thoughts. By the way, if you feel there is a bill that needs to be brought to my attention, please e-mail me and I'll be happy to arrange a post here about it, either by you or by me.  (See the Wager Witch's example.)

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Blogger MrAdVenture said...

Yep,you got the right guy(re:your comment on Honest Paying Programs and I wish to thank you for thinking of me.Sorry it took so long to get back to you-my spam filter stopped the notification of your comment.
I have just signed on with them(PerformingAds)are you choosing not to have ads?or are they not supplying any?

6:19 PM  
Blogger The Sinister Porpoise said...

Actually they're still in Beta -- but I hear they've already paid out.

It's not CPC right now from what I know -- but it's a good option for a little extra income right now if you can get people to buy ads on your site.

And they seem to interact quite frequently with the users and are open to suggestions.

9:20 AM  

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