Political Hack

A discussion of political issues from a somewhat conservative outlook

Saturday, October 28, 2006

   As we approach election time, it's not unusual that any registered voter would get mail from their appointed party.  It is not suprising that the letters are tailored to what the core of the party belives rather than what the individual user might believe.  

    As November 7th approaches, I find it a rare day when I do not receive some mail from the local Republican party (perhaps I should register Libertarian instead to avoid this, but it's not like the Libertarians have any chance of winning a national election, although I think they may gain some seats in the house at some distant point in my lifetime.)

    While I generally agree with the Republican's stance on immigration and would like to see the flow of illegals stopped, as much as I'm sure the Romans would have liked to see the flow of Barbarians across the Rhine cease in the 4th and 5th centuries A.D., it seems that the mailers are mischaracterizing the position of many democrats.

      While I expect my readers to correct me if I'm wrong, I do not know many democrats who are in favor of partial birth abortions, and while Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi might, they are extremes and do not represent the views of many democrats.

      The second was an issue that they cannot be expected to know I have no strong feelings on.    I am not opposed to gay marriage, but I do not campaign for it either.  Most Republicans who are opposed do so on religious grounds, and I'm willing to be even the bulk of them favor the idea of civil unions.

     So, if there are any democrats out there, I welcome your thoughts. By the way, if you feel there is a bill that needs to be brought to my attention, please e-mail me and I'll be happy to arrange a post here about it, either by you or by me.  (See the Wager Witch's example.)

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

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I must admit the current Bush administration has been worrying me for all that I voted for him in the past two elections. It became clear in the second administration that the current president has little regard for guaranteed rights with the Wiretapping scandal and now the bill which the Wager Witch brought to my attention.

It is too easy to do things in the name of serving a greater good, but it seems to me Bush has thought little of the long term repercussions of his acts and is using the war on terror as a broad excuse for exercising sweeping Presidential powers.

While this has been done in times past during time of war, no official war has been declared here and it's not clear exactly when or how victory will be achieved on Bush's War on Terror. Either Bush is an incompetent bungler, a theory favored by many or he knows exactly what he's doing and seems to me to be doing evil in the name of good, which is somewhat ironic for a President who has declared three powers to be the Axis of Evil. (Which of course, was a stupid move politically.)

I'm afraid I'll have to support the democratic candidates for the Senate and House this fall simply to limit the powers of the Bush administration. Then again, divided government is never a bad thing, for as Benjamin Franklin put it, the Government is best that governs least.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

H.R. 4954 is to be signed on October 13, 2006 by USA President Bush.

This Bill was passed by Congress on September 30, 2006 at a late night, last minute meeting.

What makes this Bill so interesting, isn't that it is about Safe Port Security, it is the additions that were tacked on at the last moment by Senator Frist.

Most people think the additions are specifically about Online Gambling and making Online Gambling illegal. They shrug their shoulders and go on to the next news item that is more interesting, since Online Gambling probably doesn't affect them.

The browse instead to the Circus surrounding Foley - or to the scary information about Korean's admission of detonation of nuclear activity. Whatever it is, it is more important than Online Gambling.



Read the Bill. It isn't really about gambling online.

It is about the United States Government making Banking Institutions and Internet Service Providers into watchdogs and reporting your every online or banking action to the government - WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A SEARCH WARRANT.

Gamblers up in arms about the Bill because they know it isn't about the morals of gambling. Most online gamblers believe the United States should have regulated Online Gambling years ago. If the Bill was about Morals - then pray tell - why are Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Reno, Bingo games at churches, State Lotteries, Horse Racing (which it is said, the Horse Racing Commission paid Frist's and other Republican Campaigns over 3 million dollars so they could stay within the "wire act" secured by this Bill) and Tribal Casinos still allowed to run?

No - America - it is time to Wake UP!

Go read the Bill yourself.

Look it up on the internet and browse to the last minute additions - and make up your own minds what it TRULY is about.

Although it says Gambling - it should say - WE'RE STEALING YOUR PRIVACY AWAY... Every Single AMERICAN CITIZEN should be aware of this.

It Should be Headline News.

But maybe the Newspapers were paid off - and can't say anything. Maybe the whole Foley Scandal is a distraction.

Read the Bill and think for yourself.

Pass the word around before you lose your Constitutional Rights.

You don't have to believe me - you just have to read it for yourself and open your own eyes.

Google Congress on the SAFE PORT ACT - Look up H.R.45942.pdf - read it and weep at what our Government is trying to do to us.

Wager Witch

You may include my image - if you like - if not - that's ok too - but anything to get the word out.

You can link the image to anything you want - to my website - to the videos that are out there - or to even the BILL itself.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Turk Hijacks Plane to Protest Pope's comments

People sometimes amaze me. A recent example is the Islamic uproar over Pope Benedict XVI quoting a Pope from the 13th Century in the context of how religions better need to understand each other. Yet it seems that this news has not made it to the Islamic world and as it always is, there's more than a few people willing to take insult where none was intended.

Such is the case of a Turk hijacking a plane recently.

Monday, October 02, 2006

After unique and serious problems with Blogcharm, I have decided to move this site back here. I'll try to keep it updated a little more frequently but due to real life problems I've had some trouble keeping up on current events.