Political Hack

A discussion of political issues from a somewhat conservative outlook

Thursday, November 16, 2006

   I have a confession to make.  I'm a fan of Wal-Mart.   I cannot always condone their actions like not giving their employees lunch breaks or hiring illegal immigrants to work as the maintenance crews in their stores, but I can say that the living wages tripe that gets put against them is often untrue.  Wal-Mart does in fact pay fairly good wages for this area -- and is one of the highest paying employeers.  Now this may be because it's not terribly expensive to live where I do, but if you go to Wal-Mart to work you're not exactly getting a minimum wage job.

    It is true they tend to put smaller mom and pop operations out of business and I think they should figure out how to help these stores stay in business where they can, but people who look at the evil of Wal-Mart often overlooks the good the store does.  The store will in fact go out of its way to buy from American companies and often contributes to charities.  Nor do I see bitter and cynical employees that so often inhabit retail establishments.  

     So, if you want to hate Wal-Mart that's fine with me, they've done things in the past that were wrong, but don't wholly overlook the good that the store does either.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

   When the current Bush administration first took power after the elections of 2000, the rhetoric used by Bush and the members of his cabinet was that we'd see a new tone in Washington.

    Now that the Democrats once again have control of congress, we've hear the phrase once more.   However, Bush meant a tone of cooperation, the democrats have something else in mind.

    I've heard talk of investigations from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who themselves have ethical problems of their very own.   It seems they missed the point of the elections entirely.

   Democrats -- you were not given a blank check to do whatever you want and if you try you will surely find yourselves back in the minority in two years.   People are dissatisfied with the conduct of the war and the lack of respect Bush has for freedoms guaranteed by the constitution.  Focus on that and you'll do well.   If you pursue some grand agenda, expect to see a backlash against yourself as the voters acted out against the Republican majority.

Monday, November 13, 2006

   While I think people tend to overreact in the wakes of elections about how much harm their opponents will do to the country, this is an idea that came to me idea that I simply cannot believe.

      I am tempted to question the intelligence of the Democratic politician that came up with this one, we need to do something far more serious.  We need to get this person out of power and make sure it someone like this is never taken seriously again.

    Listen, Iran and Syria are already giving us plenty of help and getting out of Iraq -- where do you think most of the insurgents are coming from?  If you have not realized it yet, these countries are real enemies in the "war on terror."  The war may currently being fought so innefectively, but the enemy will be more than happy to help us lose and we need to not court his support in doing so.