Political Hack

A discussion of political issues from a somewhat conservative outlook

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cheney's being too secretive

I'll admit I'm not a very big fan of former president, Bill Clinton. I'm not one of those he's the worst presidents we've ever had sort of people, because a knowledge of history reveals him to be a relatively mediocre scandal-ridden president, but I do think the country would have done better in the Nineties without his leadership.

However, I'm not worried about his leadership today. It's more how he chose to open his mouth and accuse Dick Cheney, the current vice president of being too secretive. Now, we all know Cheney shot a friend in the face and didn't report it to the media a day afterwards, but earth-shattering news this is not. Unlike Bill Clinton's own problems it will not embroil him in months of scandal ending with an impeachment that does not lead to conviction only because the vote went along party lines and had nothing to do with the nature of the evidence presented. Clinton, on the other hand, tried to hide and deny his own illicit involvement with an intern and even got so creative as to say "it depends on what the definition of is is."

Bill Clinton is the last person who should be lecturing Cheney on not keeping something a secret period.

Monday, February 20, 2006

UAE owning American Ports

To be honest, I have a mixed opinion about this one. While to my knowledge the government of the United Arab Emirates was not involved in the September 11 attacks, we do know that two of the terrorists came from there.

It is probably better to err on the side of caution in this instance and not let any country known to have links to Islamic terrorists to own any interests in the US.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Danish Cartoons: A reason to protest America

It seems that the extreme people in the Islamic world will look for any excuse to protest the Americans. Yesterday, Pakistan Radical groups shouted Death to American in the streets and caused two deaths by rioting.

This is a ridiculous response. Not only did no Western government have anything to do with the publication of the cartoons, many American newspapers and government officials have criticized them as being insensitive and in poor taste.

I guess it does not matter. If a valid excuse to protest America is found, even if the connection is tenous at best, you're expected to run on it if you're a Radical Muslim.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Thank You, President Bush

The controversy over the cartoons depicting the prophet Mohomed continues to rage worldwide. While it is a severe overreaction, President Bush took the time to remind everyone that with freedom comes responsibility. I think the European press could use the reminder that just because you can print offensive cartoons doesn't mean you should.

While I disagree with him on the survelliance issues he currently faces he was dead on about th is.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google and Government Interference

Google's current positions are confusing to me. While they refuse to turn over their records to the US government, which I personally approve of, they let the Chinese government censor their searches.

There reason has to be business related, but it strikes me as inconsistent. If they're going to take a moral stand against our own government snooping, they should also be opposed to censoring for the Chinese government just because the Chinese government requires it. Google doesn't have to do business in either country after all.

Google, make up your mind. Either you don't want government interference at all, or you're okay with it across the board. Don't let it be a simple business decision. Take a moral stance and don't worry about the bottom line.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The Cartoon of the Prophet was Daring and Bold...

If the Islamic world continues to wonder why the West perceives it as backward, they only have to look at this extreme overreaction to the tasteless series of cartoons published in Denmark. While depictions of Christian icons can be just as tasteless, it doesn't result in rioting typically.

The fanatics in the Muslim world need to realize that nothing is free from ridicule and if they do not like the depiction of their prophet engaging in terrorist acts, they should try to distance themselves from the extremists of their religion, like many moderate Christians try to do.

I imagine I'll probably get angry comments to this post, and it is your right to express your opinion and I welcome it unless you're advertising your website. Your religion is as much a target for parody as anything else, and if nothing else, at least you were important enough to be satirized. I didn't go burning down Comedy Central's Headquarters when they aired Jesus and the Really Super Friends or "All About Mormons." The Muslim world needs to grow up and listen to their clerics who condemned the violence. It's just a cartoon done in poor taste, after all.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cindy Sheehan and the T-shirt

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While I may have had sympathy with Mrs. Sheehan's plight originally, I find her continued antics tiresome. Although the security of the House of Representatives may have overreacted I feel this woman has gotten enough attention.

In fact, were she not a protesting the war in Iraq at all, she would likely have no air time. Cindy, it's time for you to let go and accept the sacrifice your son made. He was an adult and made his choice. You have a right to protest, but can you please stop degrading the memory of your son by using his death as your own political tool? He chose to be a soldier. Unlike many wars in the past he was not an unwilling draftee and volunteered. I can only assume he knew the risks.